Referral Policy


This Referral policy applies to users who are participating in Itvedant’s Referral Scheme. Your participation in the Scheme is deemed if (a) you share your referee details with others by any means whatsoever, or (b) you use another’s referee details in your application. By participating in this Scheme, you acknowledge and agree to be bound by all of the terms and conditions of this referral policy, which are in addition to and subject to Itvedant’s "Terms & Conditions" available on the Platform. If you do not agree to this Policy, please do not participate in the Scheme. Itvedant Education reserves the right to modify or terminate the Scheme, in whole or in part, at any time and in any manner.


"Non-paid Referrer" means an Itvedant user who has not paid the block amount for an Itvedant Program and making the reference.

"Paid Referrer" means an Itvedant who has paid the block amount for an Itvedant Program and making the reference.

"Referrer" means either a Paid Referrer or a Non-paid Referrer.

"Friend" means the individual being referred by a Referrer.

"Referral Form" is the form where the Referrer submits his own application or otherwise in a manner decided by Itvedant.

"Reward" means the benefit receivable under this policy, in the form of cash, vouchers or fee waivers, as the case may be.

Eligibility :

  • Referral amount is eligible if referral done with the admission by Referee of Institute’s Student (Including Current or Alumni).
  • For referral amount Eligibility, Referral students have to pay 50% of his fees payment after that only Referral amount will get handed over to the referee Student.


The Referrer must fill the referral form with proper details of his/her Friend. Itvedant shall not accept the Referee any time after the admission is made by that referee. Additionally, the Friend must pay the entire fee amount for the Referral to be considered completed.

  • Referral amount can be divided between referee and referral as per their mutual communication
  • If a referee student wants to give his Referral amount in the form of a discount to a referral student it can be considered in fess criteria

Group admission Criteria

  • For a group admission of 3 to 5 candidates, Extra 5% discount will be given in Individual’s fees payment
  • For a Group admission, more than 5, candidates, Extra 10% discount will be given on in individuals fees payment

Visitors Are most welcome

For "not - Itvedant" Students or visitors are eligible for Referral Scheme , As they can get a Special cash Voucher after receiving 50% fees amount of referral Student and submitting proper documentation.

Value & Disbursement of Reward-

The amount of Reward receivable to a Referrer is dependent on which program a referee is applying for.

Referee Reward

The Friend’s Reward shall be a fee waiver on the program fees and shall be determined on the basis of the program which the Friend has registered and paid for. The fee waiver shall be applied to the balance payment stage and not at the time of block payment.

Program wise value of the Reward is provided in the table below:

Other points to be noted:-

  • Existing students / Alumni who enrol themselves for a new program are eligible to receive the Reward amount mentioned in the table in the form of a fee waiver, which shall be determined basis the new program he/she has enrolled for
  • The benefits under this policy cannot be clubbed with any other scholarship/fee waiver or benefit. If you have already availed another benefit, the benefits of this policy shall not apply. For further clarity, please check with your counsellor.
  • In case the Reward is a cash payout, bank transfer will take 7 bank days with duly filled bank details in case.
  • Source of referee: There will be a check of the source of the Friend and of whether the Referrer used any marketing channel or through Referrer himself/herself.